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Wolf Packed is a low-cost, low-stress program for students to secure all required course materials for day one of classes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Wolf Packed program?
Wolf Packed, formerly referred to as First Day Complete, is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly through Brightspace.
How Wolf Packed works?
Step 1: Faculty member decides on required course materials (RCMs).
Step 2: RCMs are integrated into Brightspace. This is a collaboration between faculty member, publisher, Barnes & Noble and College’s Online Learning Department.
Step 3: As student enrolls in course(s), a Wolf Packed per credit hour charge added to student’s bill. Students enrolled in an Open Education Resource (OER) course receive a per credit hour reduction to the Wolf Packed fee at the non-culinary program rate.
Step 4: Student receives email to verify order and fulfillment preference and notified of deadline to opt-out of program. **
Step 5: On the first day of class, student clicks on course materials link in Brighspace to access resources. Printed course materials available for pick up at Barnes & Noble campus stores.
Step 6: At end of opt-out period, Business Office receives a list of students who chose to opt-out and removes Wolf Packed fees from bill.
Step 7: Students who opted-out are responsible for obtaining all course materials.
** Opt-out deadline two (2) business days after published add/drop period.
What is included in Wolf Packed?
The program will include required course materials in print or digital formats. For the students enrolled in the Baking & Pastry program, knife kits and baking & pastry kits included in the program.
What is excluded from Wolf Packed?
The following items are excluded from the program: adopted school supplies, kits (except knife and baking and pastry kits, which are included), uniforms, art supplies, calculators, non-required course materials, or items deemed not a textbook. In addition, the program does not include shipping costs for delivery to students outside of the Bookstore or designated locations on Sanborn and NFCI campuses.
How do I enroll in Wolf Packed?
All eligible students automatically enrolled in Wolf Packed program.
Can I opt-out of Wolf Packed?
While this program is expected to ease the process of obtaining your required course materials and lower your overall costs, you have the option to opt-out of this program by clicking https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/niagaraccsunyedu/fdcopt/logon
The minimum window to opt-out of Wolf Packed each semester begins 14 days prior to the first day of classes and ends 2 business days after the last day of add/drop period. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. Once Opted out, you will be responsible for purchasing all required course materials from the SUNY Niagara bookstore: https://niagaracc.bncollege.com/ or https://niagaraculinaryinstitute.bncollege.com/
How do I change my opt-out status?
To change your status and opt into the Wolf Packed, go to: https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/niagaraccsunyedu/fdcopt/logon. Please note you must make your final selection by the second day after add/drop period.
How do I pay for my required course materials under Wolf Packed?
Wolf Packed is billed as a per credit hour fee. The fee is $22 per credit hour for non-culinary programs and $27 per credit hour for culinary programs. Students enrolled in an Open Education Resource (OER) course receive a $22 per credit hour reduction to the Wolf Packed fee. At the end of the term, students receive e-mail reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore. The Wolf Packed fee will be included on the Schedule/Bill, which is available to view online through Banner Web.
How do I purchase course materials if I decide to opt-out of Wolf Packed?
Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials linked to bookstore: https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/niagaraccsunyedu/aip/logo.
When are textbook rentals due back to the bookstore?
The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals for the semester. Students will receive email reminders ahead of the rental deadline. Knife and Baking & Pastry kits do not need to be returned.
Can I buy my rented textbook?
Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.
Do I need to return books if they are for a continuation course?
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
What happens if I never verify my order?
Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, rental materials will be held at the bookstore, digital materials will be accessible within the LMS, and the students account will be charged.
If I never pick up my books, will I still get charged?
Yes, if a student does not opt-out, materials will be held at the bookstore and student account will be charged.
What if I drop/add a class?
If you already received your required course materials to a dropped class, you may simply return the book to the bookstore within 48 hours. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks or access codes to ensure you have what you need for current course schedule. The Wolf Packed fee automatically recalculates on your schedule/bill through the end of the add/drop period.
If you add a class after initially verifying your order, you need to re-verify your order.
Can I opt-out if I picked up my textbooks?
Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will remain on your student account.
What are OER materials?
OER stands for Open Education Resources. OER course materials are not included in Wolf Packed. For courses using OER materials, your instructor will provide any course materials.
Troubleshooting and Customer Care
Please use the following steps if you are experiencing trouble getting into your course.
- Troubleshooting:
• Popup Blockers – Popup blockers must be turned off within your browser. tinyurl.com/FD-PopUpBlockers
• Cache and Cookies – Delete cached files: tinyurl.com/FD-Cache and Enable cookies: tinyurl.com/FD-EnableCookies - Accessing your eBook (YUZU) Content:
Students that have previously obtained their eBook (only), but cannot access it through the LMS can access their eBook by logging in here: Sign In to Access Your eBook (YUZU) Content
- Customer Care:
Students that are experiencing issues, can’t access their account or have questions can receive Support via:
Web: customercare.bncollege.com
Toll Free: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657)
Email: bookstorecustomercare@bncollege.com
Sanborn & NFCI Locations
Name: Hannah Lewandowski, General Manager
Phone: 716-614-6840 Opt 3
Email: hlewandowski@bncollege.com
Location: SUNY Niagara Campus Bookstore
G Building / Student Center