July 28, 2020
SUNY Niagara is busy preparing for the fall semester, which will include enhanced online offerings for students who prefer to stay at home to continue their studies. In a time when online technology is increasingly important, SUNY Niagara is also planning to launch a brand new website on Saturday, August 1. While the website has been in the works for over a year, the past few months have proven how important it is to provide updated, accessible content that is easy to navigate.
Features of the new website include more cohesive, consistent branding throughout with clearer paths to departmental information and campus resources. More efficient navigation has been implemented to allow for audience-specific content to be accessed by current students, potential students, family members of students, faculty and staff, and community members. Additionally, visitors to the site can enjoy one-click connectivity to SUNY Niagara social media pages and they can access a feedback form to provide input to assist in future improvements.
To celebrate the launch of the new site, an online scavenger hunt is planned starting on Monday, August 3, and running through Friday, August 7. Participants in the scavenger hunt are entered to win an SUNY Niagara branded prize pack. To find out more about the contest and view the new website, visit https://www.niagaracc.suny.edu/.
Media Contact Information
Sara Harvey
Assistant Director of Public Relations and Event Management
Phone: 716-614-6220
Email: saharvey@niagaracc.suny.edu