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Infection Control

April 23, 2021

The SUNY Niagara Workforce Development Office will offer the New York State mandatory infection control training for licensed health professionals.  The classes will be held in person on the Sanborn campus of SUNY Niagara, 3111 Saunders Settlement Road, on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at either 9 am-12 noon or from 6 pm -9 pm.    Social distancing and COVID protocols are in place.  The cost of the class is $45.

This course is designed for Healthcare Professionals to fulfill their requirement for mandatory infection control training as specified in Chapter 786 of the Laws of New York.

Micro bacteria under a microscope.

Micro bacteria under a microscope.

It is approved by the NYS Department of Health and State Education Department and will meet licensure requirements for the following professions: Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Optometrists.

To register for this class, or find out about other classes offered by SUNY Niagara Workforce Development, visit or call 716-614-6213.

April 23, 2021

The SUNY Niagara Workforce Development Office will offer the New York State mandatory infection control training for licensed health professionals.  The classes will be held in person on the Sanborn campus of SUNY Niagara, 3111 Saunders Settlement Road, on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at either 9 am-12 noon or from 6 pm -9 pm.    Social distancing and COVID protocols are in place.  The cost of the class is $45.

This course is designed for Healthcare Professionals to fulfill their requirement for mandatory infection control training as specified in Chapter 786 of the Laws of New York.

It is approved by the NYS Department of Health and State Education Department and will meet licensure requirements for the following professions: Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Optometrists.

To register for this class, or find out about other classes offered by SUNY Niagara Workforce Development, visit or call 716-614-6213.

Micro bacteria under a microscope.

Micro bacteria under a microscope.

Media Contact Information

Barbara M. DeSimone
Director of Public Relations and Event Management
Phone: 716-481-3775