January 17, 2020
On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, members of the community are invited to attend a book house dedication event entitled, “Read, Imagine, Draw” at the Dolce Valvo Art Center at SUNY Niagara from 5-7:00 p.m. As part of the event, free books from preschool level to adult will be available for attendees. The event will also feature a reading of Where the Wild Things Are, a book by Maurice Sendak, and a craft station with activities that coincide with the story. Artwork created by the students of the John R. Oishei Child Development Center will be on display in the Dolce Valvo Art Center from Monday, January 27 through Friday, January 31.
Participants in the Liberty Partnerships Future Leaders program at SUNY Niagara built the book house that will be donated to the John R. Oishei Child Development Center as part of the event. The book house will allow the community to share and take out books free of charge and will be a permanent fixture on campus.
Future Leaders Liberty Partnership Program at SUNY Niagara is sponsored by a New York State Department of Education Grant and currently serves over 300 students throughout Western New York. For more information on how your child can be a participant in the program, contact Jamie Reid jreid@niagaracc.suny.edu or 716-614-6891