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A community college sponsored by Niagara County

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Registration & Records


Registration Information

Add or Drop Classes (Instructions)

Click to expand the options below for detailed instructions on scheduling your classes.

Banner Registration Instructions


Basic Instructions

For more detailed instructions with screenshots, click the link below:

Detailed Registration Instructions

Step 1: Log into Banner Web & Degree Works

For assistance with your T-Wolves username and password, contact 716-210-2505 or TWolvesAssistance@nccc-old-website.local

It is helpful to have Degree Works and Banner Web open in two separate browser tabs that will allow you to go back and forth between your plan and scheduler as needed.

  • Click on “Plans” located at the top of your Degree Works worksheet to view your plan.  If your Academic Advisor has created a plan for you, it will appear here.
  • Find your Registration Alternate PIN or RAP # noted in your Plan by clicking on the Notes icon next to the term you are registering for.

We recommend writing your RAP# down or keeping your plan open in a separate tab as you will need this number later in the scheduling process.

Step 2: Schedule Classes using Banner Registration

You will access Registration within Banner Web.

  • On the Main Menu in Banner Web, click on “Registration”.
  • Select “Register for Classes (Add/Drop Class on Your Schedule)”.
  • Select the appropriate term and click “Submit”.
  • You will be asked to review the Financial Obligation Agreement.  Read through the information, and if you agree, check the box at the bottom to agree and click “Continue”.
  • Click on “Register for Classes” to start building your schedule.
  • In Banner Web, select the term you are registering for from the drop-down, enter your RAP# (listed on your SEP Plan in Degree Works), then click “Continue”.

TIP: 24 hours after you have registered for classes for a term, you will not need to enter your RAP# again to make changes to your schedule or to print your schedule.  Simply choose the term and then click “Continue” to proceed.

Holds: If you have a hold on your account, you will receive a red message in the upper right-hand corner of the page that state “You have holds that prevent registration”.  Read the message to determine who to contact in order to resolve your hold.  The most common holds are “Immunization Hold” or “Health Clinic Hold”.  If you have one or both of these holds, you should contact the Wellness Center (Room C-122) at 716-614-6275 or email at yager@nccc-old-website.local.

More information can be found on the Wellness Center webpage.  You cannot register for classes until all holds are removed.

If you do not have any holds on your account, please continue to the next step.

  • On the “Register for Classes/View & Print Schedule” page, you will see different tabs at the top that provide different options for choosing and scheduling your courses.

Find Classes Tab – Search course offerings and add courses to build your schedule.

Enter CRN’s Tab – If you already have your CRN’s, click on this tab to enter and register for those courses.

Plans Tab – Access your Student Educational Plan (SEP) created by your Academic Advisor in Degree Works here.  You will be able to select and register for the courses listed in your plan.

  • When all courses have been added (or selected), the courses should have a pending status in the Summary section of the page.  Click on “Submit” in the bottom right-hand corner to complete registration for the courses.  You should see a green “Registered” status when you are officially registered in the course.
  • View or print your schedule by clicking on the “View/Print Class Schedule” tab.

Email your schedule & Add Schedule to your device calendar by clicking on the calendar icon on the top right-hand corner of the schedule.

Print your schedule by clicking on the printer icon on the top right-hand corner of the schedule.

If at any time you receive an error message when registering for a course, you should consult with your Academic Advisor.  Your Advisor may need to submit additional paperwork on your behalf to resolve the error. 

Drop or Withdraw from Class Instructions

Click the link below to access instructions on how to drop or withdraw from one or more classes.

Drop or Withdraw from Class Instructions

Instructional Methods

Instructional Methods at SUNY Niagara

SUNY Niagara offers a variety of instructional methods to meet your degree requirements! In addition to traditional face-to-face courses, we also offer Online, Hybrid, and Blended courses.  We also offer Hyflex and Face to Face Enhanced options.

More information can be found at

Find your Plan in Degree Works

My Degree Works

Your Student Educational Plan (SEP) is created by an Academic Advisor and is updated every semester.  A plan will include a list of courses your Advisor recommends you register for, additional notes and information, and your Registration Alternate Pin (RAP #).  Students are required to meet with their Academic Advisor every semester in order to receive their RAP # to register.

Follow the steps outlined below to access your plan in Degree Works:

Step 1: Log into Degree Works using your T-Wolves username and password.

You may find it helpful to have your degree evaluation open in one browser window and Banner Web open in another, so you can reference your plan while scheduling your classes.

We also suggest using the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Step 2: Locate your plan.

Click on “Plans” located at the top of the Degree Works worksheet to view your plan. Your approved plan will appear.  This will include classes your advisor has recommended and any other important information for your upcoming semester.

Step 3: Find your Registration Alternate PIN (RAP #) noted in your plan.

The advisor will note your RAP# at the top of your plan in Degree Works (see example below).  Students can view the RAP# by clicking the notes icon next to the term they are registering for.  A pop-up box will appear with a note from your Advisor that should list the RAP#.

We recommend writing your RAP# down or keeping your plan open in a separate tab as you will need this number later in the scheduling process.

Understanding “@” Elective Courses on your SEP (if applicable).

Your advisor may recommend elective course options on your plan. The symbol “@” takes the place of either the course code and/or number to represent choice. Refer to your Degree Works worksheet tab for elective options or note attached to the course in your plan.


  • “LIT @” = Take any LIT (Literature) elective course
  • “@ @” = Free Elective (take anything)
  • “@ @” with MATH = Take any course with Gen Ed Mathematics Attribute

General Elective Course Information

Waitlist Instructions

Waitlists are available in select classes.  If a section is full and there is a waitlist available, students can add themselves to the waitlist in Banner Web.

Be sure to watch the video to assist you with adding yourself to a waitlist and registering for the class once a seat opens under Instructional Videos on the right-hand side of this page. 

How to determine if a course has a waitlist.

When searching for classes, if a class is full and has a waitlist, students will see a message as shown below.

Add yourself to a waitlist by clicking on the “ADD” button on the right-hand side of the course listing.  The course will have a “Pending” status in the Summary section.

Choose “Waitlisted” from the Action drop-down and then click the “Submit” button.

You are officially waitlisted for the course when you see the status of “Waitlisted”.

What happens if a seat opens in the course?

If a seat in the course opens, students will be notified through their T-Wolves Email that they have 24 hours to register for the course in Banner Web.

To register for the course:

  • Log into Banner Registration and choose “Web Registered” from the Action drop-down menu under Summary.
  • Click “Submit” to officially register for the course.

If you do not register for the course within the 24-hour time frame, the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist or open to the general public if there are no other students on the waitlist.

What happens if a seat does NOT open in the course?

If a seat does not open in the course by the last business day before the class begins, you will be dropped from the waitlist and notified via email that a seat did not become available in the course.

After Registration Checklist

Congratulations! You’re an OFFICIAL Thunderwolf at SUNY Niagara!

Below are a few additional items for you to complete or be aware of prior to the start of the semester!

Run your Degree Evaluation

Run your Degree Evaluation to see where the courses you registered for fit into your degree or certificate.  It is important to make sure all courses you are registered for are being used in your degree evaluation!  If a course is filtering into “Courses Not Used”, contact your advisor for other course suggestions

Complete Certificate of Residency Form (For students who live outside of Niagara County)

Students who live outside of Niagara County should complete a Certificate of Residency form with their county of residence and return to the SUNY Niagara Cashier’s Office between the dates listed below for the appropriate semester.  Completing this form can save you a significant amount of money on your tuition bill!

TermCertificate of Residency Submission Dates
Fall 2024July 5, 2024 - October 2, 2024
Winter 2025November 3, 2024 - February 1, 2025
Spring 2025November 22, 2024 - February 20, 2025

More information can be found online at

Complete Financial Aid

If you have not completed your free FAFSA ( and NYS TAP ( applications, do so ASAP!  If you have any questions about financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office (A-114) at 716-614-6266.

Pickup your Student ID

Bring a paper copy of your schedule and a valid NYS ID to the Public Safety office (G-106) to pick up your SUNY Niagara Student ID.

NFCI Majors: Pick up your ID at the Reception Desk of the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute.

Wolf Packed Course Materials program

Wolf Packed is a low-cost, low-stress program for students to secure all required course materials for day one of classes.

More information can be found here

Open Educational Resources - Low-Cost and Zero-Cost Course Materials

In an effort to reduce college-related expenses, SUNY Niagara is joining a SUNY-wide effort to offer low-cost and zero-cost instructional materials. By utilizing Open Education Resources (OER), students enrolled in courses with this option will have the ability to cut costs dramatically without sacrificing the quality of their education. This initiative is available to all students, regardless of income. Additionally, Both SUNY Niagara and SUNY are making access to these materials a priority. OER will feature adaptive technology for students with disabilities, facilitating new ways of accessible education for all.

Visit the Open Educational Resources webpage for more information and to see if your course qualifies!

Find your Classrooms

Be prepared for your first day of classes!  Print out a copy of your class schedule and locate your classes on campus prior to the first day of classes.  Don’t forget to bring your schedule with you on the first day!

Check Contact Information in Banner Web

Make sure your phone number and address are up to date in the Personal Information Tab.  Your information may have changed from when you first applied to the College. Update your information so faculty and staff at SUNY Niagara can reach you with important information during the semester!

Log into Banner Web

Online Learning Information (for students taking one or more online, hybrid, blended, hyflex, or face-to-face enhanced classes)

Unsure how to get started in your class? What technology is needed to be successful?

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

You can find helpful information on how to prepare for your class below!

Getting Started
Technology Requirements

For more information about online learning, visit http://nccc-old-website.local/onlinelearning/

Get Involved!

Student Life at SUNY Niagara offers a variety of programming to students:

  • Fun social events!
  • Leader training and workshops!
  • Community service to clubs of all different interests and academic fields!
  • Join student government!

Check out the Student Life website for more information or stop by the Student Life office (G-243) anytime to get more involved at SUNY Niagara!

Instructional Videos

Hyflex Learning Options

Registering for Classes in Banner Web

Degree Works: Student Educational Plan (SEP)

Waitlisting for a Course


Advisement Questions: 716-614-6290 | | D-102

Records Questions: 716-614-6250 | | A-105
Transferring Credits into SUNY Niagara and Transfer Credit Evaluation Questions:  716-614-6250 |


Fax: 716-614-6820
Location: A-105 Notar Admin Bldg.
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm