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Public Safety

Lock Down


  1. A determination is made that a threat exists on campus and personnel need to take immediate refuge
  2. Public Safety will make a CODE RED LOCKDOWN announcement.CODE RED LOCKDOWN ANNOUNCEMENT:May I have your attention please; there is a code red lockdown in the Facility. All building occupants are to report to the nearest securable area and lock down. (Repeated)
  3. Public Safety will notify the NYSP and NCSO that the Campus has a Code Red Lockdown in progress.
  4. Public Safety will notify Operations personnel.
  5. Public Safety will notify Student Housing Village of the Code Red Lockdown.
  6. Public Safety will notify and advise the College President and the VP of Operations.
  7. Public Safety will assist Law Enforcement personnel with building layout and possible location of intruders.


  1. All personnel should immediately and quickly move to a lockable room.
  2. College personnel will close and lock doors to all class rooms, offices, and assembly halls. Once the door is secure no one is allowed into your locked area.
  3. Room occupants are to move to the corner of the room least visible from the window and shades are to be closed as well.
  4. When Public Safety and/or Law enforcement give the all clear, rooms may be unlocked and occupant’s should follow the directions of Public Safety and/or Law enforcement.


  • We can be reached by calling: 614-6400 from an off campus line.
  • Calling extension, 555 or 6400 from on-campus Sanborn phones or ext 2555 from NFCI phones.
  • Blue phones on the Sanborn Campus by lifting receiver
  • Blue phones outside the Student Housing Village by pressing button
  • By reporting directly to our offices; Sanborn Campus – G-106, NFCI Office – Reception