June 5, 2020
The SUNY Niagara Workforce Development Department will offer online training targeting businesses involved in the reopening of the Hospitality sector. This awareness level training is geared for employees that will be returning to the workplace and may be responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of their work space. The objective of this course is to raise the awareness of COVID-19 with factual information and simple steps that employees can take to avoid spreading the disease within the workplace or at home. This interactive web-based training provides ample opportunity for students to engage in informative Q&A’s. This is an opportunity for a branding advantage as companies resume business back to full operation. “This is a great training for businesses who are unsure of the current standards and who want to be prepared with a plan for how to reopen”, according to Karen Kwandrans, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. “The instructors are all safety-certified trainers and are up-to-date on regulatory changes issued by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).”
Presentations are industry-specific and this set of courses will be focused on the hospitality industry. The online classes for the hospitality industry will be offered:
June 15, 2020 at 8am -10:30am or 1:00pm-3:30pm
The cost of training is $40 per person for a two-hour class. For more information, please call SUNY Niagara Workforce Development at (716) 614-6236 or visit the website www.niagaracc.suny.edu/wd/.
Media Contact Information
Barbara DeSimone
Director of Public Relations and Event Management
Phone: 716-614-5904
Email: desimone@niagaracc.suny.edu