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Certificate of Residency
Important Notice – Please give this matter your prompt attention – Non-Resident Tuition/No Permit Charges will remain on your account until the proper Certificate is received.
If you have been a legal resident of New York State for the past year BUT live outside Niagara County, please review the notes and follow the instructions below.
Timing is everything: The window of eligibility for issuance of a certificate of residency for any particular term is any time between the two(2) months prior to your course registration date and thirty(30) days after the start of classes. Most counties now allow you to either (a) apply electronically via their website; or (b) submit your application & proof by email.
Remember: Your Certificate of Residency (COR) must be issued no later than 30 days from the start of term. If you apply too late, your county can refuse to issue a COR; as a result, you will have to pay the out-of-county tuition surcharge.
Important: When calculating the amount of tuition & fees to pay by a given term’s published Tuition Due Date, you may deduct the “Tuition: Out-of-County” amount shown on your bill and remit the balance if you expect to obtain a COR timely. Use the same calculation to determine if your Financial Aid fully covers all other Tuition and Fees, or to determine the amount needed to enroll in the Term’s Payment Plan.
Instructions for Submitting Certificate of Residency Affidavit:
- Click on the “Certificate of Residency Application Form” button below. Cayuga, Nassau, and Oswego County Residents: Please scroll to the bottom of the page for specific instructions. Remember that your county may prefer an electronic version of the form, accessed via their website.
- Print the form and fill out the Residency Affidavit. Don’t forget to sign your form – notarization is no longer required as of 11/15/2023.
- Present the completed and signed Certificate Residency Application to your County Treasurer for processing, along with proof of residency as required. Many counties now accept the application & proofs by email.
- Once validated, your County Treasurer or Comptroller’s Office will retain your application form and give you a Certificate of Residency (COR), which is to be sent to the SUNY Niagara Cashier’s Office. If your Certificate has a raised seal, send in the original Certificate, not a copy. Call your County Treasurer if you have any questions about this procedure. Below is a document that lists the COR-related links to each county’s website.
County Certificate of Residency Information Links
Questions? — Call the SUNY Niagara Cashier’s Office: 716-614-6443
Certificate of Residency Application Form (PDF Format)
Please Note: If the above link does not work, you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader© on your computer.
Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader© by clicking on the icon below:
Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader © on your computer, you will be able to print the form by selecting “File” and then “Print.”
Erie County Residents: Erie County no longer accepts walk-in applicants. View instructions and a list of acceptable proofs.
Cayuga County Residents: Cayuga County has its own specific form and requirements. Access the required Application for Certificate of Residence for Community Colleges form and instructions. The Cayuga County Treasurer can be reached at 315-253-1211.
Nassau County Residents: Nassau County will use their own specific form effective 7/1/2019. Also, Nassau County has launched an online application system, which is now the preferred method for you to apply for your COR. View Nassau County COR web pages. The Nassau County Treasurer can be reached at 516-571-2090.
Oswego County Residents: Oswego County has its own specific form and requirements. Access the required Oswego County Application for NYS Community College Certificate of Residence form and instructions. The Oswego County Treasurer can be reached at 315-349-8393.
Cashier’s Office
Phone: 716-614-6443
Fax: 716-614-6444
Email: cashier@niagaracc.suny.edu
Location: A-205 – Notar Admin Bldg.
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 4:00pm