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Health Services
A well-equipped Health Services Center, located in the Wellness Center, is available to provide services for the College community. Registered Nurses are available for emergency treatment of injuries, assessment and care of illness, referrals, and health/wellness counseling. A supply of “over-the-counter” medications is available in the Center for self-use.
Students will be referred to an area hospital, their family physician, or community health and/or social service agency when necessary and upon request.
Students needing information regarding health insurance coverage can find it by going to the Wellness Center Resources tab or clicking on the following link: www.niagaracc.suny.edu/wellness/resources/ and scrolling to “Student Health Insurance”. Further information may be obtained in the Wellness Center.
A collection of current literature on health topics and social concerns is maintained in the Wellness Center. Health-related programs are conducted and wellness clinics are available.
Immunizations / Physicals
Students enrolled in any program or course or who are participating in a clinical or internship held at a third-party location must continue to comply with all health and safety guidelines, including any vaccination, testing protocols, or masking requirements that are in place at the third-party location.
Mandatory Immunizations for On-Campus Classes:
Every student born on or after January 1, 1957, is required by New York State Public Health Law to provide SUNY Niagara with proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Proof of immunity may be accomplished by providing official documentation of two (2) measles immunizations, one (1) mumps immunization, and one (1) rubella immunization, or two (2) MMR’s, or by submitting serological proof of immunity.
New York State Public Health Law also requires colleges to distribute information about meningococcal disease and vaccination to all students regardless of age. Each student is encouraged to carefully review the materials provided to them. Though meningococcal vaccination is highly recommended, students are not required to receive it, but they are required to fill out this online Meningitis Declination ONLY if declining the vaccine.
The only exception to these mandatory requirements is for students who are 100% online. These students do not need to provide immunization documentation.
A self-completed health history report is requested of all students. This report, and all medical information, is confidential information therefore not shared without consent. The health history form can be found in the folder sent with the “Acceptance Packet” from the Admissions Department upon the student’s acceptance to SUNY Niagara. Download and complete the entire ‘Health Services Packet‘.
Students in Allied Health programs are required to have a completed physician’s physical on file in the Wellness Center prior to participating in the clinical area. A clinical clearance slip will be completed by the Registered Nurses in the Wellness Center when all requirements have been met. Please note: You must allow five business days for forms to be processed. Students may also be asked to provide additional information. Physical forms should be submitted approximately one month prior to the beginning of clinical rotations to allow sufficient turn-around time if needed.
Important Notes
Please direct questions regarding the Public Health Laws and vaccination requirements to the Registered Professional Nurses in the Wellness Center.
You may view/print the immunizations we have on file by logging onto Banner Web:
- Click on Personal Information
- Choose Immunization Data Display
Handicapped Parking
Handicapped parking permits must be obtained through your town. This includes permanent and temporary permits.
Cheri Yager MSN, BSN, RN
Supervisor of College Nursing Services/Wellness Center
Phone: 716-614-6275
Fax: 716-614-6817
Email: yager@niagaracc.suny.edu
Location: C-122