b'Year in ReviewI love my community college because it helps shape the voices of thousands of students who are the future of our community - Sheila SmithNCCC TrusteeTrustee Sheila SmithI am SUNYCCAs part of the SUNY campaign to raise awareness for the 30 community colleges across the state, NCCC featured stories from students, alumni, President Murabito, and Trustee Sheila Smith focusing on why community colleges are valuable to them personally and professionally.I love my community college because it helps shape the voices of thousands of students who are the future of our community -Trustee Sheila SmithWilliam J. Murabito, Ph.D. chosen as seventhPresident of NCCCThe State University of New York Board of Trustees announced the appointment of Dr. Murabito as president on November 20 at the SUNY Trustee meeting in Albany.The appointment was effective on December 1, 2019 and an inauguration NCCC VP of Operations and Alum Wayne Lynch posesdate will follow in the near future.with daughter and 2020 graduate, Ava Lynch18 NIAGARA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE'