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Student Showcase

A force is a push or a pull. In the human body; forces maintain or change the position of the body. Muscle contraction produces a force so that the body can move through space but also to stabilize the body as well. This is especially important in physical therapy as understanding forces and how these forces can be manipulated can help treat and heal. Rock climbing is a sport which also capitalizes on the basic application of forces to succeed. This project will measure the effectiveness, risk, forces, and explore the technique involved in the “drop knee,” a move used in rock climbing. The “drop knee” involves inward rotation of the hip and knee, sometimes to extreme levels, to maintain stability. It is an energy saving maneuver that requires experience and body awareness to utilize. Knowledge of higher-level techniques and body awareness become crucial to advance in the sport. Manipulation of forces as they are applied to the body, as well as to the rock, the proper time to use the drop knee, the risks involved, and how newer climbers can benefit from its use will be examined and explained.

Biomechanics of the Drop Knee in Rock Climbing