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Academic Center for Excellence

Welcome to ACE

The mission of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) at SUNY Niagara is to provide students with learning support services that serve as a foundation for academic success, retention, and completion of educational goals. To accomplish this mission, we

  • Collaborate and partner with faculty, advisors, and administrators to coordinate a campus-wide network of academic support.
  • Foster a safe and collaborative student-centered environment through shared learning experiences.
  • Implement diverse types of course-related academic support, such as student tutoring, academic coaching, and collaborative study groups.
  • Provide individuals and group-based workshops for ways to implement successful study skills and strategies.

The vision of ACE is to provide SUNY Niagara students with the strategies and skills needed to assist them in becoming independent learners who rely upon their strengths and abilities.

Make a Tutoring AppointmentAsk us a question

How can ACE help you?

As a first step, we ask that you consult with your instructor(s) in regards to your coursework. Our instructors are committed to your success and know what is best for you to succeed. In addition, we encourage you to speak with your academic advisor. Advisors can provide you with academic advice particular to your degree or program throughout your career at SUNY Niagara.

Academic Coaches

Academic coaches are professional tutors that have obtained a degree in content-specific areas such as accounting, math, writing, science, and more! Coaches are also available to help you with time management and/or metacognitive learning strategies. You can make an appointment with a coach online or see if someone is available for a walk-in!

Online Tutoring

ACE offers two different means of online tutoring services:

  • SUNY Niagara Online Tutoring is typically available Monday – Thursday from 9am – 7pm. For SUNY Niagara Online Tutoring services, you will meet with an SUNY Niagara tutor via ZOOM video conferencing at your scheduled appointment time. For specific content availability hours, please go to:
  • STAR-NY Online Tutoring is available Sunday – Thursday from 7pm – midnight. For STAR-NY Online Tutoring, students will be placed in a virtual line (first come; first serve) to work with a professional tutor from one of our partner SUNY schools. For more information, please go to:

Student Support Staff

The support staff within ACE can help you with any questions or concerns you may have.  Our support staff can be located within ACE at our front log-in desk, in the back corner with academic support services, or within the office areas. Please do not hesitate to ask questions – we encourage it!

Student Tutors

Student tutors provide one-on-one or group tutoring sessions based on specific course offerings here at SUNY Niagara. Head to the ACE webpage to view course offerings and the days/times that student tutors are available!

Morning Thunder

“Morning Thunder” is a podcast meant to keep our SUNY Niagara students informed; brought to you by the Academic Center for Excellence. If you have suggestions for future podcast topics, please email us at


Academic Center for Excellence
Phone: 716-614-6724
Location: D-201 (within the Lewis Library)