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Tutoring: Course Availability
We’re now using PENJI to schedule tutoring appointments! You can go to the desktop website here or download the Penji app (Apple App Store or Google Play Store). Login with you SUNY Niagara T-Wolves email & password, choose “I am a student,” and begin making appointments!
Make an Appointment Here: https://web.penjiapp.com/
For questions, concerns, or assistance making an appointment please contact the Academic Center of Excellence at ace@niagaracc.suny.edu or 716-614-6724.
Appointment Cancellations: If you cannot attend a tutoring appointment, you are responsible for cancelling the appointment before the scheduled start time. If you do not cancel your appointment (no call/no show), you will receive a warning email. Consecutively missed appointments can result in appointment-making privileges being pulled. You can cancel an appointment one of the following ways:
- Call the ACE front desk at (716) 614-6724 *you may leave a voicemail*
- Email ACE at ace@niagaracc.suny.edu with the details of your appointment
- Cancel the appointment via your PENJI account

Spring 2025 Course Offerings*
- ACC 116: Financial Accounting
- ACC 117: Managerial Accounting
- ANT 102: Intro to Cultural Anthropology
- ANT 208: Monkeys, Apes & Man
- ANT 230: Forensic Anthropology
- BIO 109: General Biology I (& Lab)
- BIO 110: General Biology II (& Lab)
- BIO 117: Human Biology (& Lab)
- BIO 136: Contemp. Enviro Issues
- BIO 213: A&P I (& Lab)
- BIO 214: A&P II (& Lab)
- BIO 221: Microbiology (& Lab)
- BIO 230: Soil Science (& Lab)
- BIO 255: Population Genetics (& Lab)
- BUS 101: Organization & Management
- BUS 102: Human Resource Management
- BUS 113: Fundamentals of Mktg
- BUS 117: Business Law I
- BUS 122: Small Business Management
- BUS 170: Intro to Supply Chain
- BUS 229: Business Communication
- CHE 100: Fundamentals of Chemistry
- CHE 101(L): Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab
- CHE 111(L): General Chemistry I Lab
- CHE 113(L): General Chemistry II Lab
- CHE 120: General Chemistry I
- CHE 121: General Chemistry II
- CHE 234: Organic Chemistry I
- CHE 235(L): Organic Chemistry I Lab
- CIS 100: Intro to Computer Applications
- CIS 103: Keyboarding on the PC
- CIS 105: Intro Operating Systems
- CIS 109: Intro to Databases
- CIS 111: Intro to Word Processing
- CIS 115: Introduction to Spreadsheets
- CIS 116: Introduction to Presentations
- CIS 118: Intermediate Spreadsheet Appl.
- CIS 119: Intro to Computer Systems
- CPS 120: Computer Science I
- CPS 130: Computer Science II
- CIS 202: Mobile App Development
- CIS 205: Principles of Computer Security
- CIS 220: Visual Basic Programming
- CPS 225: Linux Operating System
- CPS 250: Data Structures
- CRJ 102: Criminal Law & Procedures
- CRJ 301: Research Methods
- CUL 141: Purchasing & Costing
- DRF 182: Process Piping Draft CADD (& Lab)
- DRF 275: Advanced Computer Aid Design & Draft (& Lab)
- DRF 283: Mechanical Design CADD (& Lab)
- DRF 285: Structural Design Draft CADD
- ECO 101: Macroeconomics
- ECO 102: Microeconomics
- EDU 101: Intro to Careers in Teaching
- ENG 088: Integrated Reading and Writing
- ENG 101: Writing I
- ENG 102: Writing II & Intro to Lit
- ENG 103: Writing for STEM
- ENS 218: Dynamics
- ENS 219: Engineering Mechanics of Mat.
- ENS 285: Engineering Circuit Analysis
- HED 201: Healthful Living
- HED 204: Drugs and Society
- HED 205: Nutrition & Health
- HED 214: Advanced First Aid & CPR
- HIS 105 – Western Civilizations II
- HIS 112: World Civilizations II
- HIS 120: US to 1865
- HIS 122: US Since 1865
- HIS 210: Native American History
- HIS 237: African American History
- HRT 181: Herbaceous Landscape Plants (& Lab)
- HRT 184: Plant Protection
- HRT 220: Cannabis Pest Management
- HUS 123: Helping Process
- LIT 210: British Literature Romantics to Present
- LIT 211: Children’s Literature
- LIT 214: American Literature Since 1865
- LIT 216: Film as Literature
- LIT 222: Contemp. World Lit
- MAT 023: Introductory Algebra I & II
- MAT 105: Mathematics for Consumers
- MAT 106: Contemporary Math
- MAT 108: Math for Childhood Ed I
- MAT 109: Math for Childhood Ed II
- MAT 110: Intermediate Algebra
- MAT 111: Advanced Algebra & Trig
- MAT 116: Precalculus Mathematics
- MAT 120: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- MAT 121: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
- MAT 125: Applied Calculus I
- MAT 164: Introduction to Statistics
- MAT 199: Math for Rad. Techs.
- MAT 222: Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
- MAT 223: Differential Equations
- MAT 230: Discrete Mathematics
- MAT 255: Linear Algebra
- MED 134: Medical Terminology
- MUS 118: Music History & Rep II
- PHS 101: Intro Physical Science
- PHY 131: General Physics I (& Lab)
- PHY 171: Calculus Based Physics & Mechan (& Lab)
- PSY 110: Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 210: Lifespan Developmental Psych
- PSY 220: Child Development
- PSY 240: Social Psychology
- PSY 255: Methods of Scientific Inquiry
- RAD 103: Rad Procedures I (& Lab)
- RAD 112: Rad Tech II
- SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
- SPA 101: Elem. Spanish I
- SPE 101: Speech Communication
- SPE 102: Public Speaking
- SPE 103: Interpersonal Communication
- Writing Support For All Contents
*Course offerings can change throughout the semester. Please visit the Academic Center for Excellence or utilize Penji for the most up-to-date list of course offerings.
Didn’t find the course you were looking for? We will do our best to find a tutor for you!
Academic Center for Excellence
Phone: 716-614-6724
Email: ace@niagaracc.suny.edu
Location: D-201 (within the Lewis Library)